Safety Consulting
Solutions  (FSCS)
Fahim Safety Consulting Solutions ®
What We Do
Our main services include;
  • Performing routine laboratory fume hood tests and local exhaust management programs,
  • Developing customized IH compliance and data management tools, including;
    • Chemical Hygiene/lab safety plans,
    • Lab inspection software,
    • Fume hood inspection database
  • Health and safety trainings,
  • Reviewing and developing state and federal safety compliance programs,
    • Hazard Communication,
    • Laboratory safety,
    • Hazardous waste,
    • Inspection,
    • Eyewash and safety showers
  • Developing laboratory exhaust energy management,
  • Establishing hazardous material exposure assessment and prevention

Let us help you to manage your fume hoods and lab-local exhaust, develop your safety compliance toolkits and softwares, and maintain your OSHA and EPA compliance.  We offer multiple paths for lab managers to upgrade their lab/work spaces ranging from general software products, to in-house training, to customized software systems.

© 2022-2024  Fahim Safety Consulting Systems ® • 501 Lonebrook Dr • Chapel Hill, NC 27516-1158 • Office: (919) 969-1124